Waterstone 2017 Census and Activities Insects Gallery

July 17
A Chagas bug. The one that bit a caretaker. Also known as a 'Kissing Bug' because it is attracted to the carbon dioxide in exhalation breath.Thankfully we learned from the entomologists at Texas A&M that the Central Texas Chagas variety is not a good host for a bad parasite that can infect a person bitten. It is a relative of the native tropical Cental America regions.
The size is relative in this photo, compared to a computer keyboard key.
This bug was taken to the Texas Department of Health to be tested for the parasite. A blood test after 6 weeks will show if the caretaker has contracted the parasite. So far, good news and no danger to the caretaker has occurred. The house was fumigated and strong herbal replellant was used to deter the bug from getting inside. Special door sweeps were installed to deny entry. Sticky box traps were installed to catch any bugs that enter the house near doorways.
Photography ©Tim Jones
Please contact Tim Jones for permission to use or obtain his photography
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