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Archive for 'Water' Category

June 09 2008

Caretaker's note: 2008 is a year of extreme to exceptional drought in Central Texas. Supplemental watering helps to keep last years new plantings alive. All new plantings are native species that are selected to be drought tolerant, but it does take a few years for new plants to become established to withstand harsh drought conditions. There were no new plantings this year due to the drought. To conserve water, it is advised to water early in the morning or late in the day.

Posted in 2008 Journal, Census, Habitat, Food, Water

June 08 2008

  • Worker reported seeing an eagle chasing a rabbit
  • Wild turkey's seen at water guzzler
  • Saw a young squirrel getting a drink at the water drip in shallow pans from rain water storage barn

Posted in 2008 Journal, Census, Water

June 03 2008

Very dry and windy.  Used the water mister for birds.

  • 8am, saw Wild turkey in driveway walking to water guzzler
  • Refreshed all hummingbird feeders and used olive oil on the yellow feeding ports to deter bees
  • Saw anoles mating, green male and brown female
  • Saw a lizard leap and grab a brown and gray mottled moth, it spit it out and the moth flew away.

Posted in 2008 Journal, Census, Food, Water

May 31 2008

  • Many cardinals benefiting from water spray
  • Saw possum

Posted in 2008 Journal, Census, Water

October 29 2007

  • Used tractor to deepen natural pond in bobcat draw
  • Raked rocks from road to use for infill at road erosion on south side
  • Used extra dirt to beef up erosion control along road
road berms

Posted in 2007 Journal, Erosion, Water

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