Archive for '2001 Journal' Category
- Heard a different pretty bird song at 8PM
- Heard owl
- Saw cardinal and doves
- Fire ants patiently harvesting sunflower seeds thrown down on ground for critters
Posted in
2001 Journal, Census
- Dug up Yaupon holly from deer cage (at coon draw, near road). Root system still packed tightly from pot
- Watered (two 5 gallon buckets) Possomhaw holly in deerproof cage at tipi pasture. Had scorched leaves. Cut back dead branches, rearranged cage so new growth is more protected. May not survive.
Posted in
2001 Journal, Habitat
- Built up swales below tipi road with wood scraps from construction
- Watered newly planted trees and plants in deer proof cages
- Scattered large sunflower seeds at wikkiup pasture
Posted in
2001 Journal, Habitat
- Saw striped lizard, dead baby lizard at barn
- Fish in water well pond doing good
Posted in
2001 Journal, Census
Animals seen and heard in the last month:
- 3 jack rabbits, long ears near water well at gate
- Bat
- Crickets
- Frogs in river, lots of little ones and lots of egg sacs
- Butterflies - monarchs, yellows, black
- Dragonflies
- Good ants! Large black ants at tipi around kitchen area
- Crazy ants found around old fire ant mounds
- Large red wasp nests in tipi
- Heard coughing noise (fox)
- Deer
- Something scared the dog on the river trail
- Snake at river edge, large, black
- Armadillo
- Raccoon
- Squirrel (in Pecan trees at river)
- Cat fish
- Chuck wills widow
- Great blue heron

- Chickadee
- Cardinal
- Titmice
- Wren
- Mystery little brown birds (LBBs)
- Hawk
- Crow
- Turkey vulture
- Nighthawk
- Kingfisher
- Duck
- Hawk at river (red-tailed)
- Ladder-back woodpecker
- Great crested flycatcher
- Swallows and martins
- Many different bird songs
Posted in
2001 Journal, Census
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