Archive for '2003 Journal' Category
- Saw 8 deer at feeder area, immediately after putting out feed on ground (corn, milo, sunflower seeds)
- 1 large buck
- 2 mature does
- 2 smaller bucks
- 3 or 4 fawns
- Heard shots fired across the river
- Doves
Posted in
2003 Journal, Census
- Yellow-breasted Chat rescued from barn. It had tried to escape through plexiglass windows at the top near openings. It finally bounced off another window in the side of the barn and fell into spider webs, slightly stunned. We carried it to the house pond and placed it on a rock from which it eventually flew away, apparently unharmed.
- Nutria seen at river island
- Heard turkeys at river
Posted in
2003 Journal, Census
- Young fox pup at pond at house
- Marlin kestrel in trees near house
- Snake found in boat
- Garden spiders
- Crickets
- Leopard frogs at house pond
- Tadpoles at house pond
- Young fox chased frog from porch near house pond
- Unusual song, 8pm driveway
Posted in
2003 Journal, Census
- Pruned regrowth from box elder stumps
- Transplanted river island plants to seep at house pond: frog fruit, spike rush, tiny blue flower, creeping succulent with blue flowers, pennywort
Posted in
2003 Journal, Habitat
- continued creating new walking trail along top of bluff for wildlife viewing
- began removal of Johnson grass and KR bluestem
Posted in
2003 Journal, Habitat
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