- Heard golden cheeked warblers at river bottom, near house and at North pasture (no juniper clearing during warbler nesting season)
- Saw great blue heron at river
- Saw snake in river
- Leopard frog and cricket frog on river trail
- Lady bugs everywhere
- Racoons tore through window screen in barn and got into seed cans stored in barn (repaired screen and removed climbing things from under the window)
- Wren nesting in new house on back porch
- Hung new wren house on front porch
Posted in
2005 Journal, Census
- Planted around house:
- Pink salvia
- Rosemary
- Butterfly bush
- Creeping rosemary
- Continued rock walk on trail to river
- New septic feild plantings topped with potting soil and bat guano
Posted in
2005 Journal, Habitat
- Treated fire ants throughout with amdro and logic
- Removed pet cat
Posted in
2005 Journal, Predator
Planted wetland fringe mix and other seed packets in septic field and approximately 182 square feet on countour in stripe pattern.
Collected dirt from watering hole in draw, forked in with hard pan soil, watered in with Medina soil additive, topped off with a sprinkle of sand and caged 62 feet long and 3 feet high.
Wetland fringe mix includes these species:
- Clasping coneflower
- Cutleaf daisy
- Scarlet sage
- Plains coreopsis
- Illinois bundleflower
- Black-eyed susan
- Pink evening primrose
- Maximillian sunflower
- Obedient plant
- Pitcher sage
Other packets added:
- 2 grams gayfeather
- 5 grams purple coneflower
- 500 mg yellow columbine
- gloriosa sunflower
- 1 gram butterfly weed
- 1 gram western ironweed
- 500 mg texas bluebells
- 1 gram passion flower
Planted lantana seeds along rock edge of road at the edge of septic field
Good weather conditions for newly planted seeds - forecast high 50's for 2 days - rain, high 60's for 3 days - sun
- Increased size of berms in Tipi field
- Began rock trail from barn to river trail
Posted in
2005 Journal, Habitat
At feeding station saw:
- House finch
- American finch
- Chickadee
- Black tufted titmouse
Posted in
2005 Journal, Census