August 18 2007
Caretaker's note: This is a sign that the fire ants are less numerous than before and under control. Have not seen (or felt) chigger bites for 10 years before.
Continued feeding hummingbirds
Caretaker's note: The large 15 ounce feeders do better in the deep shade. Also experimented with city chlorinated water instead of rain water and the feeding solution seemed to last longer.
- Cardinal
- Wren
- Mourning dove
- Titmice
- Chickadee
- Cowbirds at watering station behind barn at little guzzler with cardinal family
Caretaker's note: Cowbirds are a predatory species on songbirds previously discussed in a 2005 Journal entry. A few have been seen in the spring during nesting season but efforts to find them and shoot them failed. This 2007 photo shows the young cowbirds being introduced to a water source by their adoptive parents, the cardinals. Cowbirds are so named because they tend to be found near cattle operations. Historically, they adapted their predatory behavior to follow buffalo as they roamed to new grazing areas.
- Fox
- Raccoon
- Rock squirrel
- Squirrel
- Deer
This entry was posted on Saturday August 18 2007 at 8:36 pm and is filed under 2007 Journal, Census, Predator, Food, Water You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.