September 04 2001
1 week or more of good, long, flooding rain
- Home construction carpenters reported seeing a fox crossing the road towards the water well pasture and a stray mangy dog in the early AM
- Everyone working heard a rabbit scream towards bobcat draw (heard over construction noise)
- Workers saw a squirrel take down birdseed block (bypassed squirrel guard)
- Saw hummingbirds
- Looking for monarch migration
- Tiger swallowtail butterflies
- Raccoon and deer tracks at river
- Scrub jays
- Large butterfly
- Striped lizard (10 inches long)
- Large leopard frog at river
- 18 inch hog nosed snake behind barn that had eaten something large (likely a little field mouse that are quite abundant under the pallets with hay for house construction)

This entry was posted on Tuesday September 04 2001 at 4:26 pm and is filed under 2001 Journal, Census You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.