Waterstone Wildlife home

November 06 1996

watersto_jennystone Flora Observed in 1995-96


  1. Cedar Elm - abundant large
  2. 'Cedar' Juniperus virginiana - abundant, a few mature tress, good cover for all wildlife
  3. Live Oak - abundant, deer like these, resprouts in April, cage seedlings from deer
  4. Post Oak
  5. Bur Oak
  6. Mesquite - coming up at pasture well
  7. Bummelia - large one below, smaller ones on edge smell good
  8. Bald Cypress - 60-80 ft. tall at river front
    cypress cones
  9. Texas Persimmon - abundant black berries, attracts birds, raccoon
  10. Spanish Oak - red leaves in fall at lower road (cut cedars away from these)
  11. Black River Ash - below
  12. Hackberry - scattered
  13. Mexican Buckeye - on rock bluff, propagate elsewhere
  14. American Elm
  15. Box Elder - 3-leaf, maple-like, many below, found chewed stick, beaver teeth marks
  16. Pecan - large below, transplant elsewhere, near draw sprouting from fallen tree
  17. Red Mulberry - below, propagate elsewhere
  18. Chinaberry - remove
  19. Sycamore - at water's edge
  20. Leatherleaf Dogwood - more!
  21. Ashe Juniper - a cedar tree, single trunked
  22. Escarpement Black Cherry - sprouting many trunks from fallen tree in Red Oak grove, propagate
  23. Black Walnut - below
  24. Basswood - below, big round leaf, reseed up top
  25. Dollar Ash
  26. Wafer Ash
  27. Skink Ash
  28. Hill Country Redbud
  29. Mexican Plum
  30. Kidney Wood - deer like???


  1. Baby Blue Eyes - many blooming in early spring below
  2. Blackfoot Daisy - likes rocky ground
  3. Bluebonnet
  4. Columbine - red, late April bloom, on slopes in shady sites, on rock bluff
  5. Heart shaped leaf - vine scattered near draw
  6. Indian Blanket
  7. Mexican Hat - pasture well
  8. Mullein
  9. Nettles - below
  10. Pink Primrose
    pink primrose
  11. Prairie Verbena - short, purple flower cluster
  12. Purple Coneflower - planted seed below
  13. Purple Thistle - pasture well
  14. Rain Lily - good smelling white flower, pops up after rain, scattered throughout
  15. Sunflower - below
  16. Turk's Cap - red flowers and fruit for hummers and birds, collect seed for planting up top
  17. Two-leaf Senna - single yellow flower, daisy-like, quail and dove eat seeds, deer don't eat
  18. Yellow Columbine - planted seed below
  19. Wild Onion
  20. White Water Lily
  21. many other wildflowers unidentified


  1. Big Muhly
  2. Bushy Bluestem - extra fluffy, lone plants on river island, reseed in draw up top
  3. Curley Gramma - teensy gramma
  4. Drop seed - seeds tucked in sheath
  5. False Tridens
  6. Tall Gramma - scattered throughout (NE)
  7. Hairy Hexmonia
  8. King Ranch Bluestem - exotic, pull these out
  9. Little Bluestem - red stem, fluffy tops, for turkey area
  10. Love Grass - note 'braided' seedhead
  11. Paniculum - 'witch grass'
  12. Seep Muhly - single seed head
  13. Sideoats Gramma - throughout
  14. Silver Bluestem - silver, hairy, elongated seed tops (looks similar to KR Bluestem)
  15. Slim Tridens
  16. Three Awn Caristida - throughout
  17. Windmill grass - pasture well

Other Flora

  1. Agarita - abundant, attracts birds and bees
  2. Cenizio - creosote bush
  3. Elderberry Bush - below along river's edge, help propagate at other river fronts for birds
  4. Four O'Clocks - jungle below, bees, butterflies, hummers
  5. Frostweed - throughout, tall like ragweed but square stemmed
  6. Giant Ragweed - large plants at river bottom
  7. Greenbriar - below, in Cedar thickets near well
  8. Maidenhair Fern - below on bluff face
  9. Mushrooms - large variety, orange half moons on fallen logs, ruffled cream colored etc.
  10. Passionflower Vine
  11. Poison Ivy - deer, scattered
  12. Possomhaw Holly
  13. Prickly Pear Cactus
  14. Rainbow Ice Cactus - pretty pink flowers
  15. Western Soapberry - in lower clearing
  16. Virginia Creeper - 5-leaf vine, turns red in fall, abundant below
  17. Wild Grape - propagate these throughout
  18. Yaupon Holly - bluff area
  19. Yucca - scattered throughout

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