Archive for '2003 Journal' Category
- Worker reported seeing Sandhill crane and Canadian goose migration
- Heard coyotes and pups in the morning, near house
Posted in
2003 Journal, Census
- Found unusual oak, identified as blackjack oak
- New seeds and trees from Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
- Anacua, sandpaper leaf tree
- Mt. Laurel
- Rough leaf dogwood
- Mexican plum
- Texas redbud
- Blanco crabapple
- Mowed KR alond road edge, plan to solarize next summer
Posted in
2003 Journal, Habitat
Continued to remove KR Bluestem (15 extra large trash bags) see map
Posted in
2003 Journal, Habitat
- Continued removal of box elder resprouts, pruned and used 200% vinegar appox. 20 trees near draw
- Will cut more box elders along river in winter (trees have been marked for ID)
- Built rock seat for bird viewing at barn
- Caged cypress from nutria
Posted in
2003 Journal, Habitat
- Saw nutria again
- At house pond, saw redstripe ribbon snake
- Saw armadillo at driveway
- Toad found at outdoor shower on way to pond
Posted in
2003 Journal, Census
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